الاول | Introduction |
الثاني | Unite One |
| How are things? |
الثالث | Unite One |
| How are thing? |
الرابع | Unite Two |
| Can I talk Your Coat? |
الخامس | Unite Two |
| Can I talk Your Coat? |
السادس | Unite Three |
| I am looking for a flat |
السابع | Unite Three |
| I am looking for a flat |
الثامن | Each student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life. |
التاسع | Each student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life. |
العاشر | Each student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life. |
الحادي عشر | Each student should make a presentation about "City or Famous" which enable him to speak about any city s/he wishes to visit or any famous person influence their life. |
الثاني عشر | Oral Exam |
الثالث عشر | Oral Exam |
الرابع عشر | Review for all the course units |
الخامس عشر | First Course Exam |
السادس عشر | Strategies for developing yours speaking and overcome your errors in the first course |
السابع عشر | Unite Four |
| I'd like a refund, please |
الثامن عشر | Unite Four |
| I'd like a refund, please |
التاسع عشر | Unite Five |
| Is there anything on? |
العشرون | Unite Five |
| Is there anything on? |
الحادي والعشرون | Unite six |
| I've got a pain in my arm |
الثاني والعشرون | Unite six |
| I've got a pain in my arm |
الثالث والعشرون | Unit seven |
| I could do with a break |
الرابع والعشرون | Presentation about "your favorite hobby" to enable the students to speak about something they like. |
الخامس والعشرون | Presentation about "your favorite hobby" to enable the students to speak about something they like. |
السادس والعشرون | Review for all the unites and teach them how to use Saylor.com to enable them to continue their English learning by themselves |
السابع والعشرون | Oral exam |
الثامن العشرون | Second Course Exam |
التاسع والعشرون | |
الثلاثون | |